Source code for gradslam.config.cfgnode

Define a class to hold configurations.

Borrows and merges stuff from YACS, fvcore, and detectron2


import copy
import importlib.util
import io
import logging
import os
from typing import Optional
import yaml

from ast import literal_eval

# File exts for yaml
_YAML_EXTS = {"", ".yml", ".yaml"}
# File exts for python
_PY_EXTS = {".py"}

# CfgNodes can only contain a limited set of valid types
_VALID_TYPES = {tuple, list, str, int, float, bool}

# Valid file object types
_FILE_TYPES = (io.IOBase,)

# Logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CfgNode(dict): r"""CfgNode is a `node` in the configuration `tree`. It's a simple wrapper around a `dict` and supports access to `attributes` via `keys`. """ IMMUTABLE = "__immutable__" DEPRECATED_KEYS = "__deprecated_keys__" RENAMED_KEYS = "__renamed_keys__" NEW_ALLOWED = "__new_allowed__" def __init__( self, init_dict: Optional[dict] = None, key_list: Optional[list] = None, new_allowed: Optional[bool] = False, ): r""" Args: init_dict (dict): A dictionary to initialize the `CfgNode`. key_list (list[str]): A list of names that index this `CfgNode` from the root. Currently, only used for logging. new_allowed (bool): Whether adding a new key is allowed when merging with other `CfgNode` objects. """ # Recursively convert nested dictionaries in `init_dict` to config tree. init_dict = {} if init_dict is None else init_dict key_list = [] if key_list is None else key_list init_dict = self._create_config_tree_from_dict(init_dict, key_list) super(CfgNode, self).__init__(init_dict) # Control the immutability of the `CfgNode`. self.__dict__[CfgNode.IMMUTABLE] = False # Support for deprecated options. # If you choose to remove support for an option in code, but don't want to change all of the config files # (to allow for deprecated config files to run), you can add the full config key as a string to this set. self.__dict__[CfgNode.DEPRECATED_KEYS] = set() # Support for renamed options. # If you rename an option, record the mapping from the old name to the new name in this dictionary. Optionally, # if the type also changed, you can make this value a tuple that specifies two things: the renamed key, and the # instructions to edit the config file. self.__dict__[CfgNode.RENAMED_KEYS] = { # 'EXAMPLE.OLD.KEY': 'EXAMPLE.NEW.KEY', # Dummy example # 'EXAMPLE.OLD.KEY': ( # A more complex example # 'EXAMPLE.NEW.KEY', # "Also convert to a tuple, eg. 'foo' -> ('foo', ) or " # + "'' -> ('foo', 'bar')" # ), } # Allow new attributes after initialization. self.__dict__[CfgNode.NEW_ALLOWED] = new_allowed @classmethod def _create_config_tree_from_dict(cls, init_dict: dict, key_list: list): r"""Create a configuration tree using the input dict. Any dict-like objects inside `init_dict` will be treated as new `CfgNode` objects. Args: init_dict (dict): Input dictionary, to create config tree from. key_list (list): A list of names that index this `CfgNode` from the root. Currently only used for logging. """ d = copy.deepcopy(init_dict) for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): # Convert dictionary to CfgNode d[k] = cls(v, key_list=key_list + [k]) else: # Check for valid leaf type or nested CfgNode _assert_with_logging( _valid_type(v, allow_cfg_node=False), "Key {} with value {} is not a valid type; valid types: {}".format( ".".join(key_list + [k]), type(v), _VALID_TYPES ), ) return d def __getattr__(self, name: str): if name in self: return self[name] else: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value): if self.is_frozen(): raise AttributeError( "Attempted to set {} to {}, but CfgNode is immutable".format( name, value ) ) _assert_with_logging( name not in self.__dict__, "Invalid attempt to modify internal CfgNode state: {}".format(name), ) _assert_with_logging( _valid_type(value, allow_cfg_node=True), "Invalid type {} for key {}; valid types = {}".format( type(value), name, _VALID_TYPES ), ) self[name] = value def __str__(self): def _indent(s_, num_spaces): s = s_.split("\n") if len(s) == 1: return s_ first = s.pop(0) s = [(num_spaces * " ") + line for line in s] s = "\n".join(s) s = first + "\n" + s return s r = "" s = [] for k, v in sorted(self.items()): separator = "\n" if isinstance(v, CfgNode) else " " attr_str = "{}:{}{}".format(str(k), separator, str(v)) attr_str = _indent(attr_str, 2) s.append(attr_str) r += "\n".join(s) return r def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, super(CfgNode, self).__repr__())
[docs] def dump(self, **kwargs): r"""Dump CfgNode to a string.""" def _convert_to_dict(cfg_node, key_list): if not isinstance(cfg_node, CfgNode): _assert_with_logging( _valid_type(cfg_node), "Key {} with value {} is not a valid type; valid types: {}".format( ".".join(key_list), type(cfg_node), _VALID_TYPES ), ) return cfg_node else: cfg_dict = dict(cfg_node) for k, v in cfg_dict.items(): cfg_dict[k] = _convert_to_dict(v, key_list + [k]) return cfg_dict self_as_dict = _convert_to_dict(self, []) return yaml.safe_dump(self_as_dict, **kwargs)
[docs] def merge_from_file(self, cfg_filename: str): r"""Load a yaml config file and merge it with this CfgNode. Args: cfg_filename (str): Config file path. """ with open(cfg_filename, "r") as f: cfg = self.load_cfg(f) self.merge_from_other_cfg(cfg)
[docs] def merge_from_other_cfg(self, cfg_other): r"""Merge `cfg_other` into the current `CfgNode`. Args: cfg_other """ _merge_a_into_b(cfg_other, self, self, [])
[docs] def merge_from_list(self, cfg_list: list): r"""Merge config (keys, values) in a list (eg. from commandline) into this `CfgNode`. Eg. `cfg_list = ['FOO.BAR', 0.5]`. """ _assert_with_logging( len(cfg_list) % 2 == 0, "Override list has odd lengths: {}; it must be a list of pairs".format( cfg_list ), ) root = self for full_key, v in zip(cfg_list[0::2], cfg_list[1::2]): if root.key_is_deprecated(full_key): continue if root.key_is_renamed(full_key): root.raise_key_rename_error(full_key) key_list = full_key.split(".") d = self for subkey in key_list[:-1]: _assert_with_logging( subkey in d, "Non-existent key: {}".format(full_key) ) d = d[subkey] subkey = key_list[-1] _assert_with_logging(subkey in d, "Non-existent key: {}".format(full_key)) value = self._decode_cfg_value(v) value = _check_and_coerce_cfg_value_type(value, d[subkey], subkey, full_key) d[subkey] = value
[docs] def freeze(self): r"""Make this `CfgNode` and all of its children immutable. """ self._immutable(True)
[docs] def defrost(self): r"""Make this `CfgNode` and all of its children mutable. """ self._immutable(False)
[docs] def is_frozen(self): r"""Return mutability. """ return self.__dict__[CfgNode.IMMUTABLE]
def _immutable(self, is_immutable: bool): r"""Set mutability and recursively apply to all nested `CfgNode` objects. Args: is_immutable (bool): Whether or not the `CfgNode` and its children are immutable. """ self.__dict__[CfgNode.IMMUTABLE] = is_immutable # Recursively propagate state to all children. for v in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(v, CfgNode): v._immutable(is_immutable) for v in self.values(): if isinstance(v, CfgNode): v._immutable(is_immutable)
[docs] def clone(self): r"""Recursively copy this `CfgNode`. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def register_deprecated_key(self, key: str): r"""Register key (eg. `FOO.BAR`) a deprecated option. When merging deprecated keys, a warning is generated and the key is ignored. """ _assert_with_logging( key not in self.__dict__[CfgNode.DEPRECATED_KEYS], "key {} is already registered as a deprecated key".format(key), ) self.__dict__[CfgNode.DEPRECATED_KEYS].add(key)
[docs] def register_renamed_key( self, old_name: str, new_name: str, message: Optional[str] = None ): r"""Register a key as having been renamed from `old_name` to `new_name`. When merging a renamed key, an exception is thrown alerting the user to the fact that the key has been renamed. """ _assert_with_logging( old_name not in self.__dict__[CfgNode.RENAMED_KEYS], "key {} is already registered as a renamed cfg key".format(old_name), ) value = new_name if message: value = (new_name, message) self.__dict__[CfgNode.RENAMED_KEYS][old_name] = value
[docs] def key_is_deprecated(self, full_key: str): r"""Test if a key is deprecated. """ if full_key in self.__dict__[CfgNode.DEPRECATED_KEYS]: logger.warning("deprecated config key (ignoring): {}".format(full_key)) return True return False
[docs] def key_is_renamed(self, full_key: str): r"""Test if a key is renamed. """ return full_key in self.__dict__[CfgNode.RENAMED_KEYS]
def raise_key_rename_error(self, full_key: str): new_key = self.__dict__[CfgNode.RENAMED_KEYS][full_key] if isinstance(new_key, tuple): msg = " Note: " + new_key[1] new_key = new_key[0] else: msg = "" raise KeyError( "Key {} was renamed to {}; please update your config.{}".format( full_key, new_key, msg ) ) def is_new_allowed(self): return self.__dict__[CfgNode.NEW_ALLOWED]
[docs] @classmethod def load_cfg(cls, cfg_file_obj_or_str): r"""Load a configuration into the `CfgNode`. Args: cfg_file_obj_or_str (str or cfg compatible object): Supports loading from: - A file object backed by a YAML file. - A file object backed by a Python source file that exports an sttribute "cfg" (dict or `CfgNode`). - A string that can be parsed as valid YAML. """ _assert_with_logging( isinstance(cfg_file_obj_or_str, _FILE_TYPES + (str,)), "Expected first argument to be of type {} or {}, but got {}".format( _FILE_TYPES, str, type(cfg_file_obj_or_str) ), ) if isinstance(cfg_file_obj_or_str, str): return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_str(cfg_file_obj_or_str) elif isinstance(cfg_file_obj_or_str, _FILE_TYPES): return cls._load_cfg_from_file(cfg_file_obj_or_str) else: raise NotImplementedError("Impossible to reach here (unless there's a bug)")
@classmethod def _load_cfg_from_file(cls, file_obj): r"""Load a config from a YAML file or a Python source file. """ _, file_ext = os.path.splitext( if file_ext in _YAML_EXTS: return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_str( elif file_ext in _PY_EXTS: return cls._load_cfg_py_source( else: raise Exception( "Attempt to load from an unsupported filetype {}; only {} supported".format( file_ext, _YAML_EXTS.union(_PY_EXTS) ) ) @classmethod def _load_cfg_from_yaml_str(cls, str_obj): r"""Load a config from a YAML string encoding. """ cfg_as_dict = yaml.safe_load(str_obj) return cls(cfg_as_dict) @classmethod def _load_cfg_py_source(cls, filename): r"""Load a config from a Python source file. """ module = _load_module_from_file("yacs.config.override", filename) _assert_with_logging( hasattr(module, "cfg"), "Python module from file {} must export a 'cfg' attribute".format(filename), ) VALID_ATTR_TYPES = {dict, CfgNode} _assert_with_logging( type(module.cfg) in VALID_ATTR_TYPES, "Import module 'cfg' attribute must be in {} but is {}".format( VALID_ATTR_TYPES, type(module.cfg) ), ) return cls(module.cfg) @classmethod def _decode_cfg_value(cls, value): r"""Decodes a raw config value (eg. from a yaml config file or commandline argument) into a Python object. If `value` is a dict, it will be interpreted as a new `CfgNode`. If `value` is a str, it will be evaluated as a literal. Otherwise, it is returned as is. """ # Configs parsed from raw yaml will contain dictionary keys that need to be converted to `CfgNode` objects. if isinstance(value, dict): return cls(value) # All remaining processing is only applied to strings. if not isinstance(value, str): return value # Try to interpret `value` as a: string, number, tuple, list, dict, bool, or None try: value = literal_eval(value) # The following two excepts allow `value` to pass through it when it represents a string. # The type of `value` is always a string (before calling `literal_eval`), but sometimes it *represents* a # string and other times a data structure, like a list. In the case that `value` represents a str, what we # got back from the yaml parser is `foo` *without quotes* (so, not `"foo"`). `literal_eval` is ok with `"foo"`, # but will raise a `ValueError` if given `foo`. In other cases, like paths (`val = 'foo/bar'`) `literal_eval` # will raise a `SyntaxError`. except ValueError: pass except SyntaxError: pass return value
# Keep this function in global scope, for backward compataibility. load_cfg = CfgNode.load_cfg def _valid_type(value, allow_cfg_node: Optional[bool] = False): return (type(value) in _VALID_TYPES) or ( allow_cfg_node and isinstance(value, CfgNode) ) def _merge_a_into_b(a: CfgNode, b: CfgNode, root: CfgNode, key_list: list): r"""Merge `CfgNode` `a` into `CfgNode` `b`, clobbering the options in `b` wherever they are also specified in `a`.""" _assert_with_logging( isinstance(a, CfgNode), "`a` (cur type {}) must be an instance of {}".format(type(a), CfgNode), ) _assert_with_logging( isinstance(b, CfgNode), "`b` (cur type {}) must be an instance of {}".format(type(b), CfgNode), ) for k, v_ in a.items(): full_key = ".".join(key_list + [k]) v = copy.deepcopy(v_) v = b._decode_cfg_value(v) if k in b: v = _check_and_coerce_cfg_value_type(v, b[k], k, full_key) # Recursively merge dicts. if isinstance(v, CfgNode): try: _merge_a_into_b(v, b[k], root, key_list + [k]) except BaseException: raise else: b[k] = v elif b.is_new_allowed(): b[k] = v else: if root.key_is_deprecated(full_key): continue elif root.key_is_renamed(full_key): root.raise_key_rename_error(full_key) else: raise KeyError("Non-existent config key: {}".format(full_key)) def _check_and_coerce_cfg_value_type(replacement, original, key, full_key): r"""Checks that `replacement`, which is intended to replace `original` is of the right type. The type is correct if it matches exactly or is one of a few cases in which the type can easily be coerced. """ original_type = type(original) replacement_type = type(replacement) if replacement_type == original_type: return replacement # If replacement and original types match, cast replacement from `from_type` to `to_type`. def _conditional_cast(from_type, to_type): if replacement_type == from_type and original_type == to_type: return True, to_type(replacement) else: return False, None # Conditional casts. # list <-> tuple casts = [(tuple, list), (list, tuple)] for (from_type, to_type) in casts: converted, converted_value = _conditional_cast(from_type, to_type) if converted: return converted_value raise ValueError( "Type mismatch ({} vs. {} with values ({} vs. {}) for config key: {}".format( original_type, replacement_type, original, replacement, full_key ) ) def _assert_with_logging(cond, msg): if not cond: logger.debug(msg) assert cond, msg def _load_module_from_file(name, filename): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, filename) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module