Source code for gradslam.geometry.projutils

Projective geometry utility functions.

from typing import Optional

import torch

[docs]def homogenize_points(pts: torch.Tensor): r"""Convert a set of points to homogeneous coordinates. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing points to be homogenized. Returns: torch.Tensor: Homogeneous coordinates of pts. Shape: - pts: :math:`(N, *, K)` where :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, K)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. Also, :math:`*` means any number of additional dimensions, and `K` is the dimensionality of each point. - Output: :math:`(N, *, K + 1)` where all but the last dimension are the same shape as `pts`. Examples:: >>> pts = torch.rand(10, 3) >>> pts_homo = homogenize_points(pts) >>> pts_homo.shape torch.Size([10, 4]) """ if not isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError( "Expected input type torch.Tensor. Got {} instead".format(type(pts)) ) if pts.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input tensor must have at least 2 dimensions. Got {} instad.".format( pts.dim() ) ) return torch.nn.functional.pad(pts, (0, 1), "constant", 1.0)
[docs]def unhomogenize_points(pts: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a set of points from homogeneous coordinates to Euclidean coordinates. This is usually done by taking each point :math:`(X, Y, Z, W)` and dividing it by the last coordinate :math:`(w)`. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing points to be unhomogenized. Returns: torch.Tensor: 'Unhomogenized' points Shape: - pts: :math:`(N, *, K)` where :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, K)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. Also, :math:`*` means any number of additional dimensions, and `K` is the dimensionality of each point. - output: :math:`(N, *, K-1)` where all but the last dimension are the same shape as `pts`. Examples:: >>> pts = torch.rand(10, 3) >>> pts_unhomo = unhomogenize_points(pts) >>> pts_unhomo.shape torch.Size([10, 2]) """ if not isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError( "Expected input type torch.Tensor. Instead got {}".format(type(pts)) ) if pts.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input tensor must have at least 2 dimensions. Got {} instad.".format( pts.dim() ) ) # Get points with the last coordinate (scale) as 0 (points at infinity). w: torch.Tensor = pts[..., -1:] # Determine the scale factor each point needs to be multiplied by # For points at infinity, use a scale factor of 1 (used by OpenCV # and by kornia) # scale: torch.Tensor = torch.where(torch.abs(w) > eps, 1.0 / w, torch.ones_like(w)) return scale * pts[..., :-1]
[docs]def project_points( cam_coords: torch.Tensor, proj_mat: torch.Tensor, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-6 ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Projects points from the camera coordinate frame to the image (pixel) frame. Args: cam_coords (torch.Tensor): pixel coordinates (defined in the frame of the first camera). proj_mat (torch.Tensor): projection matrix between the reference and the non-reference camera frame. Returns: torch.Tensor: Image (pixel) coordinates corresponding to the input 3D points. Shapes: - cam_coords: :math:`(N, *, 3)` or :math:`(*, 4)` where :math:`*` indicates an arbitrary number of dimensions. Here :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, 3)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. - proj_mat: :math:`(*, 4, 4)` where :math:`*` indicates an arbitrary number of dimensions. dimension contains a :math:`(4, 4)` camera projection matrix. - Output: :math:`(N, *, 2)`, where :math:`*` indicates the same dimensions as in `cam_coords`. Here :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, 3)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. Examples:: >>> # Case 1: Input cam_coords are homogeneous, no batchsize dimension. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(10, 4) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([10, 2]) >>> # Case 2: Input cam_coords are homogeneous and batched. Broadcast proj_mat across batch. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 4) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 2]) >>> # Case 3: Input cam_coords are homogeneous and batched. A different proj_mat applied to each element. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 4) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(2, 4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 2]) >>> # Case 4: Similar to case 1, but cam_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(10, 3) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([10, 2]) >>> # Case 5: Similar to case 2, but cam_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 3) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 2]) >>> # Case 6: Similar to case 3, but cam_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> cam_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 3) >>> proj_mat = torch.rand(2, 4, 4) >>> pixel_coords = project_points(cam_coords, proj_mat) >>> pixel_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 2]) """ # Based on # # and Kornia. if not torch.is_tensor(cam_coords): raise TypeError( "Expected input cam_coords to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format( type(cam_coords) ) ) if not torch.is_tensor(proj_mat): raise TypeError( "Expected input proj_mat to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format( type(proj_mat) ) ) if cam_coords.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input cam_coords must have at least 2 dims. Got {0} instead.".format( cam_coords.dim() ) ) if cam_coords.shape[-1] not in (3, 4): raise ValueError( "Input cam_coords must have shape (*, 3), or (*, 4). Got {0} instead.".format( cam_coords.shape ) ) if proj_mat.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input proj_mat must have at least 2 dims. Got {0} instead.".format( proj_mat.dim() ) ) if proj_mat.shape[-1] != 4 or proj_mat.shape[-2] != 4: raise ValueError( "Input proj_mat must have shape (*, 4, 4). Got {0} instead.".format( proj_mat.shape ) ) if proj_mat.dim() > 2 and proj_mat.dim() != cam_coords.dim(): raise ValueError( "Input proj_mat must either have 2 dimensions, or have equal number of dimensions to cam_coords. " "Got {0} instead.".format(proj_mat.dim()) ) if proj_mat.dim() > 2 and proj_mat.shape[0] != cam_coords.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Batch sizes of proj_mat and cam_coords do not match. Shapes: {0} and {1} respectively.".format( proj_mat.shape, cam_coords.shape ) ) # Determine whether or not to homogenize `cam_coords`. to_homogenize: bool = cam_coords.shape[-1] == 3 pts_homo = None if to_homogenize: pts_homo: torch.Tensor = homogenize_points(cam_coords) else: pts_homo: torch.Tensor = cam_coords # Determine whether `proj_mat` needs to be expanded to match dims of `cam_coords`. to_expand_proj_mat: bool = (proj_mat.dim() == 2) and (pts_homo.dim() > 2) if to_expand_proj_mat: while proj_mat.dim() < pts_homo.dim(): proj_mat = proj_mat.unsqueeze(0) # Whether to perform simple matrix multiplaction instead of batch matrix multiplication. need_bmm: bool = pts_homo.dim() > 2 if not need_bmm: pts: torch.Tensor = torch.matmul(proj_mat.unsqueeze(0), pts_homo.unsqueeze(-1)) else: pts: torch.Tensor = torch.matmul(proj_mat.unsqueeze(-3), pts_homo.unsqueeze(-1)) # Remove the extra dimension resulting from torch.matmul() pts = pts.squeeze(-1) # Unhomogenize and stack. x: torch.Tensor = pts[..., 0] y: torch.Tensor = pts[..., 1] z: torch.Tensor = pts[..., 2] u: torch.Tensor = x / torch.where(z != 0, z, torch.ones_like(z)) v: torch.Tensor = y / torch.where(z != 0, z, torch.ones_like(z)) return torch.stack((u, v), dim=-1)
[docs]def unproject_points( pixel_coords: torch.Tensor, intrinsics_inv: torch.Tensor, depths: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Unprojects points from the image (pixel) frame to the camera coordinate frame. Args: pixel_coords (torch.Tensor): pixel coordinates. intrinsics_inv (torch.Tensor): inverse of the camera intrinsics matrix. depths (torch.Tensor): per-pixel depth estimates. Returns: torch.Tensor: camera coordinates Shapes: - pixel_coords: :math:`(N, *, 2)` or :math:`(*, 3)`, where * indicates an arbitrary number of dimensions. Here :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, 3)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. - intrinsics_inv: :math:`(*, 3, 3)`, where * indicates an arbitrary number of dimensions. - depths: :math:`(N, *)` where * indicates the same number of dimensions as in `pixel_coords`. Here :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, 3)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. - output: :math:`(N, *, 3)` where * indicates the same number of dimensions as in `pixel_coords`. Here :math:`N` indicates the number of points in a cloud if the shape is :math:`(N, 3)` and indicates batchsize if the number of dimensions is greater than 2. Examples:: >>> # Case 1: Input pixel_coords are homogeneous, no batchsize dimension. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(10, 3) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([10, 3]) >>> # Case 2: Input pixel_coords are homogeneous, with a batchsize dimension. But, intrinsics_inv is not. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 3) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(2, 10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 3]) >>> # Case 3: Input pixel_coords are homogeneous, with a batchsize dimension. intrinsics_inv is batched. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 3) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(2, 3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(2, 10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 3]) >>> # Case 4: Similar to case 1, but input pixel_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(10, 2) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([10, 3]) >>> # Case 5: Similar to case 2, but input pixel_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 2) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(2, 10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 3]) >>> # Case 6: Similar to case 3, but input pixel_coords are unhomogeneous. >>> pixel_coords = torch.rand(2, 10, 2) >>> intrinsics_inv = torch.rand(2, 3, 3) >>> depths = torch.rand(2, 10) >>> cam_coords = unproject_points(pixel_coords, intrinsics_inv, depths) >>> cam_coords.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 3]) """ if not torch.is_tensor(pixel_coords): raise TypeError( "Expected input pixel_coords to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format( type(pixel_coords) ) ) if not torch.is_tensor(intrinsics_inv): raise TypeError( "Expected intrinsics_inv to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format( type(intrinsics_inv) ) ) if not torch.is_tensor(depths): raise TypeError( "Expected depth to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format( type(depths) ) ) if pixel_coords.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input pixel_coords must have at least 2 dims. Got {0} instead.".format( pixel_coords.dim() ) ) if pixel_coords.shape[-1] not in (2, 3): raise ValueError( "Input pixel_coords must have shape (*, 2), or (*, 2). Got {0} instead.".format( pixel_coords.shape ) ) if intrinsics_inv.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input intrinsics_inv must have at least 2 dims. Got {0} instead.".format( intrinsics_inv.dim() ) ) if intrinsics_inv.shape[-1] != 3 or intrinsics_inv.shape[-2] != 3: raise ValueError( "Input intrinsics_inv must have shape (*, 3, 3). Got {0} instead.".format( intrinsics_inv.shape ) ) if intrinsics_inv.dim() > 2 and intrinsics_inv.dim() != pixel_coords.dim(): raise ValueError( "Input intrinsics_inv must either have 2 dimensions, or have equal number of dimensions to pixel_coords. " "Got {0} instead.".format(intrinsics_inv.dim()) ) if intrinsics_inv.dim() > 2 and intrinsics_inv.shape[0] != pixel_coords.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Batch sizes of intrinsics_inv and pixel_coords do not match. Shapes: {0} and {1} respectively.".format( intrinsics_inv.shape, pixel_coords.shape ) ) if pixel_coords.shape[:-1] != depths.shape: raise ValueError( "Input pixel_coords and depths must have the same shape for all dimensions except the last. " " Got {0} and {1} respectively.".format(pixel_coords.shape, depths.shape) ) # Determine whether or not to homogenize `pixel_coords`. to_homogenize: bool = pixel_coords.shape[-1] == 2 pts_homo = None if to_homogenize: pts_homo: torch.Tensor = homogenize_points(pixel_coords) else: pts_homo: torch.Tensor = pixel_coords # Determine whether `intrinsics_inv` needs to be expanded to match dims of `pixel_coords`. to_expand_intrinsics_inv: bool = (intrinsics_inv.dim() == 2) and ( pts_homo.dim() > 2 ) if to_expand_intrinsics_inv: while intrinsics_inv.dim() < pts_homo.dim(): intrinsics_inv = intrinsics_inv.unsqueeze(0) # Whether to perform simple matrix multiplaction instead of batch matrix multiplication. need_bmm: bool = pts_homo.dim() > 2 if not need_bmm: pts: torch.Tensor = torch.matmul( intrinsics_inv.unsqueeze(0), pts_homo.unsqueeze(-1) ) else: pts: torch.Tensor = torch.matmul( intrinsics_inv.unsqueeze(-3), pts_homo.unsqueeze(-1) ) # Remove the extra dimension resulting from torch.matmul() pts = pts.squeeze(-1) return pts * depths.unsqueeze(-1)
[docs]def inverse_intrinsics(K: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Efficient inversion of intrinsics matrix Args: K (torch.Tensor): Intrinsics matrix eps (float): Epsilon for numerical stability Returns: torch.Tensor: Inverse of intrinsics matrices Shape: - K: :math:`(*, 4, 4)` or :math:`(*, 3, 3)` - Kinv: Matches shape of `K` (:math:`(*, 4, 4)` or :math:`(*, 3, 3)`) """ if not torch.is_tensor(K): raise TypeError( "Expected K to be of type torch.Tensor. Got {0} instead.".format(type(K)) ) if K.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "Input K must have at least 2 dims. Got {0} instead.".format(K.dim()) ) if not ( (K.shape[-1] == 3 and K.shape[-2] == 3) or (K.shape[-1] == 4 and K.shape[-2] == 4) ): raise ValueError( "Input K must have shape (*, 4, 4) or (*, 3, 3). Got {0} instead.".format( K.shape ) ) Kinv = torch.zeros_like(K) fx = K[..., 0, 0] fy = K[..., 1, 1] cx = K[..., 0, 2] cy = K[..., 1, 2] Kinv[..., 0, 0] = 1.0 / (fx + eps) Kinv[..., 1, 1] = 1.0 / (fy + eps) Kinv[..., 0, 2] = -1.0 * cx / (fx + eps) Kinv[..., 1, 2] = -1.0 * cy / (fy + eps) Kinv[..., 2, 2] = 1 Kinv[..., -1, -1] = 1 return Kinv