Source code for gradslam.odometry.gradicp

from typing import Union

import torch

from ..structures.pointclouds import Pointclouds
from .base import OdometryProvider
from .icputils import point_to_plane_gradICP

__all__ = ["GradICPOdometryProvider"]

[docs]class GradICPOdometryProvider(OdometryProvider): r"""An odometry provider that uses the (differentiable) gradICP technique presented in the gradSLAM paper. Computes the relative transformation between a pair of `gradslam.Pointclouds` objects using GradICP which uses gradLM (:math:`\nabla LM`) solver (See gradLM section of `the gradSLAM paper <>`__). The iterate and damping coefficient are updated by: .. math:: lambda_1 = Q_\lambda(r_0, r_1) & = \lambda_{min} + \frac{\lambda_{max} - \lambda_{min}}{1 + e^{-B (r_1 - r_0)}} \\ Q_x(r_0, r_1) & = x_0 + \frac{\delta x_0}{\sqrt[nu]{1 + e^{-B2*(r_1 - r_0)}}}` """ def __init__( self, numiters: int = 20, damp: float = 1e-8, dist_thresh: Union[float, int, None] = None, lambda_max: Union[float, int] = 2.0, B: Union[float, int] = 1.0, B2: Union[float, int] = 1.0, nu: Union[float, int] = 200.0, ): r"""Initializes internal GradICPOdometryProvider state. Args: numiters (int): Number of iterations to run the optimization for. Default: 20 damp (float or torch.Tensor): Damping coefficient for nonlinear least-squares. Default: 1e-8 dist_thresh (float or int or None): Distance threshold for removing `src_pc` points distant from `tgt_pc`. Default: None lambda_max (float or int): Maximum value the damping function can assume (`lambda_min` will be :math:`\frac{1}{\text{lambda_max}}`) B (float or int): gradLM falloff control parameter (see GradICPOdometryProvider description) B2 (float or int): gradLM control parameter (see GradICPOdometryProvider description) nu (float or int): gradLM control parameter (see GradICPOdometryProvider description) """ self.numiters = numiters self.damp = damp self.dist_thresh = dist_thresh self.lambda_max = lambda_max self.B = B self.B2 = B2 = nu
[docs] def provide( self, maps_pointclouds: Pointclouds, frames_pointclouds: Pointclouds, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Uses gradICP to compute the relative homogenous transformation that, when applied to `frames_pointclouds`, would cause the points to align with points of `maps_pointclouds`. Args: maps_pointclouds (gradslam.Pointclouds): Object containing batch of map pointclouds of batch size :math:`(B)` frames_pointclouds (gradslam.Pointclouds): Object containing batch of live frame pointclouds of batch size :math:`(B)` Returns: torch.Tensor: The relative transformation that would align `maps_pointclouds` with `frames_pointclouds` Shape: - Output: :math:`(B, 1, 4, 4)` """ if not isinstance(maps_pointclouds, Pointclouds): raise TypeError( "Expected maps_pointclouds to be of type gradslam.Pointclouds. Got {0}.".format( type(maps_pointclouds) ) ) if not isinstance(frames_pointclouds, Pointclouds): raise TypeError( "Expected frames_pointclouds to be of type gradslam.Pointclouds. Got {0}.".format( type(frames_pointclouds) ) ) if maps_pointclouds.normals_list is None: raise ValueError( "maps_pointclouds missing normals. Map normals must be provided if using GradICPOdometryProvider" ) if len(maps_pointclouds) != len(frames_pointclouds): raise ValueError( "Batch size of maps_pointclouds and frames_pointclouds should be equal ({0} != {1})".format( len(maps_pointclouds), len(frames_pointclouds) ) ) device = maps_pointclouds.device initial_transform = torch.eye(4, device=device) transforms = [] for b in range(len(maps_pointclouds)): transform, _ = point_to_plane_gradICP( frames_pointclouds.points_list[b].unsqueeze(0), maps_pointclouds.points_list[b].unsqueeze(0), maps_pointclouds.normals_list[b].unsqueeze(0), initial_transform, numiters=self.numiters, damp=self.damp, dist_thresh=self.dist_thresh, lambda_max=self.lambda_max, B=self.B, B2=self.B2,, ) transforms.append(transform) return torch.stack(transforms).unsqueeze(1)