Source code for gradslam.odometry.groundtruth

import torch
from ..geometry.geometryutils import relative_transformation

from ..structures.rgbdimages import RGBDImages
from .base import OdometryProvider

__all__ = ["GroundTruthOdometryProvider"]

[docs]class GroundTruthOdometryProvider(OdometryProvider): r"""Ground truth odometry provider. Computes the relative transformation between a pair of `gradslam.RGBDImages` objects. Both objects must contain `poses` attributes. """
[docs] def provide(self, rgbdimages1: RGBDImages, rgbdimages2: RGBDImages) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the relative homogenous transformation between poses of `rgbdimages2` and `rgbdimages1`. The relative transformation is computed as :math:`T = (T_1)^{-1} \cdot T_2`. Args: rgbdimages1 (gradslam.RGBDImages): Object containing batch of reference poses of shape :math:`(B, 1, 4, 4)` rgbdimages2 (gradslam.RGBDImages): Object containing batch of destination poses of shape :math:`(B, 1, 4, 4)` Returns: torch.Tensor: The relative transformation between the poses of `rgbdimages1` and `rgbdimages2` (:math:`T = (T_1)^{-1} \cdot T_2`). Shape: - Output: :math:`(B, 1, 4, 4)` """ if not isinstance(rgbdimages1, RGBDImages): raise TypeError( "Expected input 1 (rgbdimages1) to be of type gradslam.RGBDImages. Got {0}.".format( type(rgbdimages1) ) ) if not isinstance(rgbdimages2, RGBDImages): raise TypeError( "Expected input 2 (rgbdimages2) to be of type gradslam.RGBDImages. Got {0}.".format( type(rgbdimages2) ) ) if rgbdimages1.poses is None: raise ValueError( "Input 1 (rgbdimages1) missing poses. Poses must be provided if using GroundTruthOdometryProvider" ) if rgbdimages2.poses is None: raise ValueError( "Input 2 (rgbdimages2) missing poses. Poses must be provided if using GroundTruthOdometryProvider" ) if rgbdimages1.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( "Sequence length of rgbdimages1 must be 1, but was {0}.".format( rgbdimages1.shape[1] ) ) if rgbdimages2.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( "Sequence length of rgbdimages2 must be 1, but was {0}.".format( rgbdimages2.shape[1] ) ) if rgbdimages1.shape[0] != rgbdimages2.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Batch size of rgbdimages1 and rgbdimages2 should be equal ({0} != {1})".format( rgbdimages1.shape[0], rgbdimages2.shape[0] ) ) B, L = rgbdimages1.shape[:2] return relative_transformation( rgbdimages1.poses.view(-1, 4, 4), rgbdimages2.poses.view(-1, 4, 4), orthogonal_rotations=False, ).view(B, L, 4, 4)